Author Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
1. The length of the manuscript submitted must be between 3000-4000 words (including tables, figures and references).
2. The manuscript has not been previously published elsewhere.
3. The manuscript will be checked to avoid plagiarism.
4. The manuscript is presented in the following components:
Title: Article title, maximum 15 words, provides an overview of the research that has been carried out, Arial Narrow 14 font, Bold, 1 space, capitalize the first letter
Author's name (Name of Author's): typed under the title in Arial Narrow 12 font, Bold, Space 1). Under the author's name, you must write Affiliation (Study Program, Faculty, University), and Email:
Abstract (Abstract): The abstract is a short, strong summary and describes the contents of the PKM research article. The abstract consists of a brief description of the background of the problem and research objectives, methods used, and research results. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. Abstract writing is done in single space, with a maximum length of abstract content of 250 words, written in 1 paragraph with margins that are narrower than the right and left margins of the main text. Key words need to be included to describe the problem domain being researched and the main terms that underlie the implementation of the research. Keywords can be single words or combinations of words with a total of 3-5 keywords.
Keywords: Keywords can be single words or combinations of words with a total of 3-5 keywords. Separated by a semicolon
Introduction: typed in capital letters [Arial Narrow, Bold, 1st space]. The introduction contains the research problem which is described in the research background, research objectives, theoretical studies related to the problem being studied with the latest research results as a reference. Main references, namely journals, proceedings, theses or dissertations are preferred. This section can also include expectations about the results and benefits of the research. The length of the introduction is around 2-3 pages and is typed with 1.15 spacing.
Methods: Contains a description of the process of implementing community service (community organization). This method section contains the subject of community service, place and location of community service, involvement of target subjects in the planning and community service process, methods or strategies used to achieve the goals and expected stages of service. The planning process and strategy/method use flow charts or diagrams. (Arial Narrow, size 12, Spacing: before 6 pt.; after 6 pt., Line spacing: 1.15)
Results and Discussion: research results explain the research results as they are/honestly, representative results represent the findings and lead to discussion, contain tables, graphs/diagrams with explanations so that readers can easily understand. This section also explains the emergence of expected social changes, for example the emergence of institutions new, changes in behavior, the emergence of local leaders, and the creation of new awareness of social transformation, and so on.
Contains a description of the results of community service discussions, theoretical discussions relevant to community service findings. Also discuss theoretical findings from the service process from the beginning until social change occurs. Discussion of community service results is strengthened by references and theoretical perspectives supported by relevant literature reviews. The results of community service can be presented in the form of text, images or active tables that can be edited by the editor. Numbering of figures and tables is adjusted to the order of quotations in the text. (Arial Narrow, size 12, Spacing: before 6 pt.; after 6 pt., Line spacing: 1.15)
Table Example: (Tables must be numbered, for example: Table 1. Descriptive Statistics. Table description (table number and title) is placed in the top center) (an example can be seen in the journal template)
Conclusion and Recommendations : a summary of the research problem, objectives and solutions offered. The final conclusion includes the research contribution to the field of science as a whole (current). Suggestions for further research are things that other researchers can do to improve your research. Do not repeat research results, abstract or present very flatly. (Arial Narrow, size 12, Spacing: before 6 pt.; after 6 pt., Line spacing: 1.15)
Acknowledgments: Explain who directly helped your research, such as funders (non-personal institutions), colleagues (not research members), grammarians (proofreaders), and reviewers who provided constructive suggestions. Do not include the name listed in the list of article authors. (Arial Narrow, size 12, Spacing: before 6 pt.; after 6 pt., Line spacing: 1.15).
References: To write article citations and bibliography MUST be written using Reference Manager Software, such as Mendeley, Zotero, in APA format, Times New Roman font size 10. Using Harvard Style. An example of writing a bibliography is as follows: (Arial Narrow, size 12, before 12 points; after 12 points; Line spacing: 1) References used are national or international scientific journals, the latest books, research results, proceedings, community service reports, or patents within at least the last 5 years.
- Manuscripts must be typed in Openoffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format using Arial Narrow font, size 10, single spaced, on A4 paper.
- If the paper is accepted for publication, the author will be asked to pay the article publication fee.
- People interested in purchasing the printed Humanity Empowerment Journal can contact the journal management.
- All manuscripts must be submitted online via the online submission menu. Make sure the manuscript submitted for peer review is in the form of a blind review.